How to create a Readme file for your project

The readme file is important when you create a project and want to write about it in short documentation form. In this post, we are going to see how we can write the readme file.

Create a heading in the Readme file

To use a heading use hash before the heading text. In HTML we have 6 heading tags h1 to h6. Similarly in readme headings are represented by # symbol. Single # stands for big heading or h1 heading and it goes till six times # that is small heading or h6 heading.

# h1

## h2

### h3

#### h4

##### h5

###### h6

Write a word or sentence in italics in the Readme file

To write a word or sentence in italics use * or _ before and after the word/ sentence

Write a word or sentence in bold in the Readme file

To write a word or sentence in bold use * or _ two times before and after the word/ sentence

Strikethrough a word or sentence in the Readme file

To strikethrough a word or sentence in bold use ~ two times before and after the word/ sentence

How to Create an Ordered List in the Readme file

To create an ordered list just add numbers before the word or sentence

  1. Word
  2. another word

How to Create an Unordered List in Readme file

To create an Unordered list just add the + or – or * symbol before the word or sentence

How to Add Link in Readme file

To add a link into the readme file use square brackets for the link text and round brackets for the URL.

Syntax : [link text](URL)

How to Alt text to image in Readme file

To add a link to the readme file use an exclamation mark(!) followed by square brackets for the link text and round brackets for the image URL.

Syntax:![link text](image URL)

How to write code snippets in a Readme file

To write code snippets in a readme file use the tilt(`) symbol three times before and after the code snippet


 ```your code snippet ```

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